How to build your own cost calculator with Excel
Step by step guide on how to build and launch your own cost calculator with Excel.
Step by step guide on how to build and launch your own cost calculator with Excel.
With LeadDoubler converting a spreadsheet into an online calculator is easy and done in minutes.
All that is required is an Excel file with the questions you need the user to answer and the actual calculations.
LeadDoubler is created to read Excel files with input and output written in a specific way. This makes it extremely fast and easy to use, but beware – you must learn a few rules before you can create your first calculator.
If you have an Excel file with your calculations ready – then start from there.
If not – then start by entering the questions you want your users to answer and add the calculations and results somewhere in the spreadsheet.
Now – prepare it to be read by the LeadDoubler engine by doing the following:
LeadDoubler reads the Excel file from the top left corner. It parses the file and creates a calculator based on what you’ve written in column A-H.
To make your life easier – start by clearing the colunns A-H in your Excel file.
One question per row. With the label (the actual question) in column A and the input field itself in column B.
Ensure your input is above the output and add a row with the word: “Calculate” in column A between your input and the results.
This tells the engine where your input and outputs in the calculator are located.
Ensure that the input field itself is next to the question – in column B and write what type of input field you need. (See the list of available types later).
In the LeadDoubler platform you will later in the process be able to insert the input fields and results on the calculator.
Write a unique name in column E for each input and result you’ve added to your Excel file.
Save the file – and you’re ready to launch the calculator using the LeadDoubler platform.
It’s OK. We are here to help you get started.
In the LeadDoubler platform we require you to write strange code without much help. To get you started on the right foot we offer free getting started help.
Book your free consultation and get the help you need.
Start your free trial on the LeadDoubler platform through:
Choose your template in the LeadDoubler Template library.
Click the button “Choose”.
When doing so the template is copied to your account. You can then change everything in the template like: colors, texts, CTA buttons and what happens when the user hit the CTA button.
Start by uploading your spreadsheet to replace the spreadsheet from the template with your own.
Click: “Edit” on the newly added landing page, click: “Upload spreadsheet” and choose your file and hit “save” – and your spreadsheet is parsed and replaces the existing spreadsheet in the calculator.
Click: “Public URL” from the right hand side menu and see your calculator.
Your calculator is born with a unique URL.
If you’re happy about your calculator, then publish it by copy pasting code from the platform into your website.
Choose your date and we’ll setup a calculator for you.